The World's Leading
Pop & Jazz Orchestra

Winner of 4 Grammy Awards
24 Grammy Nominations

North Sea Jazz – Music of Quincy Jones

This is how I feel about jazz

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Metropole Orkest

Jules Buckley, dirigent

Quincy Jones may be the biggest producer still alive. He is most famous for his involvement with artists such as Michael Jackson. Quite unknown are his jazz compositions, his fantastic carreer as a band leader and composer!
In the program “This is how I feel about Jazz” the Metropole Big Band will take you through his best big band compositions from the sixties and seventies. Conductor and arranger Vellu Halkosalmi spent over ten years searching for scores of the music Jones wrote in the sixties. While rewriting the scores from exisitng records, Halkosalmi got in touch with Quincy Jones, who helped him to put this project together!

The show at the North Sea Jazz Festival will be conducted by Jules Buckley. Did we mention that Quincy Jones will also be coming to the festival? It’s going to be a good night!


Sat 12 Jul 2014, 18:00
Ahoy, Rotterdam