Programma MO & Candan Erçetin

Op deze pagina vindt u de setlist en de orkestbezetting  van het openingsconcert van Turkey Now! met Candan Erçetin en het Metropole Orkest o.l.v. Tom Cohen.

Turkey Now! wordt georganiseerd door Mystiek Productions.

Het Metropole Orkest speelt muziek uit alle genres en windstreken. In het najaar zie je ons o.a. bij het Gnawa Festival en op het Amsterdam Dance Event. En trekken we de zalen in met de Afrikaanse strijkers van 3MA en de Amsterdams-Turkse band Altin Gün.

Wil jij het Metropole Orkest helpen om muziek van over de hele wereld naar Nederlandse podia te brengen?

Doneer nu


foto: Daniel Kaminsky

Music that connects us all

“Coming originally from the middle East, an area so obsessed with borders and identities, it is always heart warming to remember how music – just like water or wind – does not stop at any border what so ever, on the contrary…
And so, besides the obvious honour and excitement of sharing the stage with such a huge name like Mrs. Candan Erçetin, and the ongoing joy of working with the amazing musicians and staff of the Metropole Orkest, it is also a deeply touching privilege for me to be able to arrange and perform melodies that crossed all our region and possessed it with happiness and life – loving energy.
Songs like Kalenin bedenleri or Zeytinyağlı yiyemem aman, that exist in so many different versions and languages all through out the Levant, take me back to my own childhood memories of my mom singing them in the kitchen while preparing lunch for the kids – like so many other parents and so many children did, in so many houses, around our conflicted piece of land.

I thank Mrs. Candan Erçetin, her staff and of course all my dear friends at the Metropole Orkest for allowing me to be once more a kid – even if just for a moment – and to believe once more that music has the power to unite the world.”




1. Anlatma sakın
Compositie: Candan Erçetin

2. Olmaz
Compositie: Mete Özgencil; Candan Erçetin

3. Meğer
Compositie: Candan Erçetin
Trompetsolo: Rik Mol

4. Onlar yanlış biliyor
Compositie: Sinan

5. Yalan
Compositie: Mete Özgencil
Gitaarsolo: Peter Tiehuis

6. Elbette
Compositie: Akin Erdem Ertubey (m); Candan Erçetin (t&m)

7. Sensizlik
Compositie: Nurettin Irmak (m); Candan Erçetin (t)
Hobo solo: María Josefa Contreras Gámez

8. Bahar
Compositie: Ayşe Kulin

9. Milyonlarca kuştuk
Compositie: Candan Erçetin

10. Git
Compositie: Orhan Gencebay (m); Cemal Safi (t)
Altsax solo: Marc Scholten

11. Gamsız hayat
Compositie: Candan Erçetin; Aylin Atalay
Trompetsolo: Rik Mol

12. Türkü
Compositie: Mehmet Tevfik Kolaylı (t); Candan Erçetin (m)
Altsax solo: Marc Scholten

13. Sevdim sevilmedim
Compositie: Mete Özgencil

14. Kalenin bedenleri
Compositie: Stelyos Kazantzidis

Zeytinyağlı yiyemem aman

Compositie: Kostas Virvos

Alle arrangementen door Tom Cohen, met additionele orkestratie door Matan Yona



piano, zang – Nuri Irmak
toetsen, trompet – Halil ibrahim Işık
viool, saxofoon – Mustafa Süder
percussie, zang – Ezgi Elkırmış

onder leiding van Tom Cohen

1e viool
Jasper van Rosmalen
Federico Nathan
Sarah Koch
Denis Koenders
Pauline Terlouw
David Peijnenborgh
Jenneke Tesselaar
Gideon Nelissen

2e viool
Merel Jonker
Willem Kok
Robert Baba
Ruben Margarita
Xaquín Carro Cribeiro
Ewa Zbyszynska
Annerieke Nentjes

Norman Jansen
Julia Jowett
Iris Schut
Isabella Petersen
Wouter Huizinga

Emile Visser
Jascha Albracht
Mariëtte Laport
Jascha Bordon

Arend Liefkes
Arjen Leendertz

Joke Schonewille

Liset Pennings
Janine Abbas

María Josefa Contreras Gámez

Marc Scholten
Paul van der Feen
Leo Janssen
Sjoerd Dijkhuizen
Max Boeree

René Pagen

Ray Bruinsma
Nico Schepers
Dave Vreuls
Rik Mol

Efe Erdem
Louk Boudesteijn
Jan Bastiani
Mathis Kaiser

Eddy Koopman
Murk Jiskoot

Mark Schilders

Peter Tiehuis

Aram Kersbergen

Word ook vriend van het Metropole Orkest

en draag bij aan educatieve projecten en aan het behoud van Nederlands erfgoed.