The World's Leading
Pop & Jazz Orchestra

Winner of 4 Grammy Awards
24 Grammy Nominations

Games in Concert: The Score

You play the game, we play the score

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Joeke Hoekstra, dirigent

Metropole Orkest was one of the first European orchestras to bring game music to concert halls. As game music evolves and gains more attention, The Smartphone Orchestra and Metropole Orkest go one step further. What happens if we bring not only music but also gameplay to the concert hall?

The audience plays a specially designed game, the scores determine ‘The Score’: the music that the orchestra plays. The result is a completely new and sometimes hilarious concert experience, in which audience and orchestra work together.

In addition to the interactive concert game Metropole Orkest plays the finest video game music. Epic compositions of games like Horizon Forbidden West and Assassin’s Creed, and the surprising soundtracks of Cuphead and Undertale.

Games in Concert: The Score is made possible in part by Prince Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Creative Industries Fund NL and Cultuurloket DigitALL.

Order your tickets now

Wed 11 Dec, 7:45 pm
Amare - Danstheater, Den Haag


Thu 12 Dec, 8:00 pm
PHIL, Haarlem


Fri 20 Dec, 8:15 pm
Schouwburg Tilburg, Tilburg
