Family show: Metropole Orkest ft. Fresku
Music Unites
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Joost Geevers, dirigent
Music has the unique power to bring people together. In Music Unites, the Metropole Orkest (MO) comes together with one of the Netherlands’ most bold and socially critical storytellers: Rapper Fresku. This hip-hop legend, known for his blistering 101Barz sessions and hits like Glimlach and Nieuwe Dag, performs some of his tracks in a grand and compelling orchestral remix. The program is supplemented with the favorite music from the library of the world’s most versatile orchestra.
As part of Music Unites, young students from the Utrecht area will convert their own stories into text, rhythms and melodies together with musical experts. This music is also performed by the world famous Metropole Orkest, because even if you can’t read music or play an instrument you can make beautiful music that connects people!
Music Unites is an educational project by TivoliVredenburg, Globe CKC Hilversum and the Metropole Orkest in collaboration with Rohan Poldervaart. Music Unites bridges the gap between the performing arts and the unlimited creativity and world of experience of pre-vocational secondary education students.
Music Unites is made possible by Fonds 21, VSBfonds, Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, Het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and K.F. Hein Fonds.
Sun 21 May, 2:00 pm
TivoliVredenburg - Grote zaal, Utrecht