Recording with ‘Prinses Christina Jazz Concours’ winners

Friday April 17th was a big day for Lizzy Ossevoort (singer) and Stefan Bos (pianist), who are both 18 years old. They got to record a song with the whole Metropole Orkest! Why? Because this was their prize after being winners at the ‘Princess Christina Jazz Concours’ 2014!

On November 29 and 30 2014, over 300 young musicians did their absolute best to convince the professional jury. Seven finalists were selected and during the finals, Lizzy and Stefan won the second prize in category 3: conservatory students between 12 and 21 year old.

Their prize consisted of:
• Metropole Orkest prize: a recording as a soloist with the whole Metropole Orkest at their studio.
• Press prize: a lesson from a famous jazz musician of their choice. This prize was provided by the Friends of the ‘Prinses Christina Concours’ and awarded by press representatives.
• Concert tickets Jazz International Rotterdam: tickets to see one of the concerts at Jazz International Rotterdam in 2015.

Last Friday, Lizzy and Stefan recorded Burt Bacharach’s famous song ‘The Look of Love’ at the Metropole Orkest studio. They were heavily impressed and when we asked the them how they felt, the only thing they could exclaim was: “Wow! This was an amazing experience! It was very special to have had the opportunity to do this.”

For more information on Lizzy Ossevoort and Stefan Bos, you can have a look on their websites (click on the name to go to the website).

Have a look at their performance at the finals of the ‘Prinses Christina Jazz Concours’:

Published: Wednesday April 22 2015

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