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Silent movie: The Docks of New York

Josef von Sternberg masterpiece with new soundtrack

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Miho Hazama, dirigent

In just 24 hours, the encounter between a coarse stoker and an animate girl with a broken soul grows into true love, while a sailor’s wife settles her loyal husband for good. Composer Bob Zimmerman combined and adapted Raymond Scott’s music into a new score that pushes the dramatic, humorous and romantic developments on the screen to even greater heights.

A rugged harbor pub, sturdy sailors and fallen women are the ingredients of this warm-blooded melodrama. The film is an example of fine craftsmanship, demonstrating the level reached by silent Hollywood cinema in the late 20’s: the perfect mise-en scene by director Josef von Sternberg, the refined camera work of Harold Rosson (The Wizard of Oz) and the glowing performances by George Bancroft, Betty Compson and Olga Baclanova.


Wed 15 Jan 2020, 20:15
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam