The World's Leading
Pop & Jazz Orchestra

Winner of 4 Grammy Awards
24 Grammy Nominations

Cultural Opening Zuiderpark

Festive ending of firts City Games

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Maurice Luttikhuis, dirigent

Izaline Calister, zang

Karsu Dönmez, zang

Edgar Burgos, zang

Theaterkoor Dario Fo

Madhu Lalbahadoersing, zang

Jose Rivero, zang

Rachim Kasmi, solist

On July 1st, the Metropole Orkest will perform at the opening of the sports campus Zuiderpark in Den Haag. During this concert, MO will play together with a lot of different artists.

‘Chump Change’ by Quincy Jones will be the openings song of the concert. This song is very fitting, since everyone in the Netherlands knows this song from the sports show ‘Langs de Lijn’. The evening ends with a spectacular fireworks show.

Entrance is free. The only thing you have to do is sign up. You can do this by clicking this link. There is limited number of seats available in sports campus Zuiderpark.


Sat 1 Jul, 8:00 pm
Zuiderpark, Den Haag