The World's Leading
Pop & Jazz Orchestra

Winner of 4 Grammy Awards
24 Grammy Nominations

Avond van de Filmmuziek

Blockbusters and movie classics!

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Metropole Orkest

Charles Floyd, dirigent

During the ‘Avond van de Filmmuziek’ concerts we’ll be playing legendary film music, conducted by Charles Floyd. We present you with the most impressive and powerful national and international soundtracks.

The host of the evening is Ruben Nicolai and he will be accompanied by several speakers who will introduce the music with their personal anecdotes.

Movie- and music lovers of all ages will be moved during the ‘Avond van de Filmmuziek’ at Het Concertgebouw!


Thu 12 Mar 2015, 20:15
Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam

Fri 13 Mar 2015, 20:15
Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam