The World's Leading
Pop & Jazz Orchestra

Winner of 4 Grammy Awards
24 Grammy Nominations

Filmscores from the Roaring Twenties

Highlights of the Roaring Twenties

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Metropole Orkest

, dirigent

Filmscores have been a very important part of the musical diet of the Metropole Orkest ever since the start of the orchestra.This even led to an Oscar for the movie Antonia (1996).

Composers such as Nino Rota, Bernard Herrmann, Duke Ellington, Irving Berlin, Charlie Chaplin and Ennio Morricone became immortal with their contribution towards filmscores. This evening you will have a big screen, the highlights of the composers mentioned above and the Metropole Orkest. Sit back and enjoy!


Thu 27 Mar, 8:00 pm
MCO, Hilversum